Take an indulgent brand, but give it some new photography, new attitude, a whole new way of doing things. The original ask was to make a video. But instead they got a brand. Okay, first they got a manifesto, THEN they got a brand.

mmmmmmetro diner

We shot new photography over the course of two days so we could easily make videos and GIFs. We also hired a one-man music house & vocal artist to create this song for us. We think it’s pretty darn rad.

Slightly new look,

but still one tasty brand video.

Copy isn’t entirely necessary here, but since there’s room for it…the two-day photoshoot (or was it three days?) built a library to last 1.5 years. While this one shoot blew their yearly photography budget in itself, it was well worth it because the results blew their minds.

Okay, fine. Two videos.

Case study. Some of our best performing ads along with some nice numbers.

Want What You Want Case Study + Sizzle

Social + Banners

While I’ve written and helped write tons of banners and social (paid and organic) posts (and ideas) for this brand, these are some of my favorites. And some just happen to be some of the best performing.
