It goes by different names depending on who you ask — junk drawer, utility drawer, the shit-I-don’t-know-where-else-to-put drawer. I can assure you that this is anything but that. The work below just simply had nowhere else to go. So here it is.

E3 Spark Plugs

E3 Spark Plugs asked us to kick the tires on some digital spots and restart a decade-old relationship with some new creative and new scripts for their DiamondFIRE Technology plugs. Here’s the revamp .


Georgia Department of Education

The GaDoE wanted to raise general awareness around the fact that if students are behaving poorly in class, it might be because of an undiagnosed health issue. So, we made an easy-to-digest video that would explain these issues and assure school administrators that help from community professionals is available to them.


Atlanta Community Food Bank

Asking for help, especially when it comes to donations, isn’t always easy. But, we found an engaging way to do just that.


BlueCross BlueShield of Alabama

Medical insurance is boring. Sports are not. And neither is one of the most heated rivalries in the country. Here’s how we brought them together.


Life Needs Frosting


Lil Extra